4. OLYMPIQ Society acceptable IQ tests for admission
The society accepts only the following IQ tests mentioned below. The results are analyzed by psychometricians with experience and knowledge about the latest research in high IQ testing.
Bonnardel 20 (B20), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel 53 (B53), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Addition B. Add 15 (B A15), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de lois des séries 4-2T (BLS4-2T), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Batterie de Tests Verbaux (BV1-2), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de compréhension de vocabulaire (BV8), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test d’efficience intellectuelle (BV9), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de compréhension de vocabulaire (BV11), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test d’analogie des relations (BV12), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de compréhension verbale (BV16), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de compréhension verbale (BV17), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de compréhension verbale (BV50), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de compréhension verbale (BV51), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de célérité perceptive et mentale (CPM 1) (B V4), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de célérité perceptive et mentale (CPM 2) (B G3), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de célérité perceptive et mentale (CPM 3) (B G9 CPM 3), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de célérité perceptive et mentale (CPM 4) (B G10), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de célérité perceptive et mentale (CPM 5) (B 2C), R. Bonnardel
Bonnardel Test de célérité perceptive et mentale (CPM 6) (B CV), R. Bonnardel
Cattell Culture Fair Test I (CFT I), Raymond Bernard Cattell
Cattell Culture Fair Test I + II (CFT I+II), Raymond Bernard Cattell
Cattell Culture Fair Test II B (CFT II B), Raymond Bernard Cattell
Cattell Culture Fair Test II A+B (CFT II A+B), Raymond Bernard Cattell
Cattell Culture Fair Test III A (CFT III A), Raymond Bernard Cattell
Cattell Culture Fair III A+B (CFT III A+B), Raymond Bernard Cattell
Cattell (Verbal), Raymond Bernard Cattell
Cattell (Verbal) Form III B, Raymond Bernard Cattell
Stanford – Binet Intelligence Scale III LM (SBIS-LM), Alfred Binet
Stanford – Binet Intelligence Scale IV (SBIS-IV), Alfred Binet
Stanford – Binet Intelligence Scale V (SBIS-V), Alfred Binet
Adaptives Intelligenz Diagnostikum 2 (Version 2.2) – (AID 2), Testzentrale.de
Arbeitsprobe zur berufsbezogenen Intelligenz (AZUBI-BK), Y. Görlich, H. Schuler
Arbeitsprobe zur berufsbezogenen Intelligenz (AZUBI-TH), Y. Görlich, H. Schuler
Berliner Intelligenz Struktur Test (BIS)
Berliner Intelligenzstrukturtest für Jugendliche (BIS-HB)
Differential Ability Scales (DAS), Collin D. Elliot
Intelligenz Basis Faktoren (IBF), Pearson Assessment & Information GmbH
C-09, Xavier Jouve
Non-Verbal Cognitive Performance Examination (NVCPE), Xavier Jouve
Non-Verbal Cognitive Performance Examination – Revised (NVCP-R), Xavier Jouve
EPC-L, Xavier Jouve
Mega test, Ronald Hoeflin (dated before 24 April 1999)
Mega 27, Ronald Hoeflin (dated before 17 November 1999)
Titan Test, Ronald Hoeflin (dated before 24 April 1999)
Ultra Test, Ronald Hoeflin
Hoeflin Power Test, Ronald Hoeflin
Test For Genius (Revision 2004), Paul Cooijmans
Cooijmans Intelligence Test – Form 3E, Paul Cooijmans
Nemesis Test, Paul Cooijmans
Strict Logic Sequences Examination Form I, Jonathan Wai
Strict Logic Sequences Examination Form II, Jonathan Wai
Strict Logic Spatial Examination 48, Jonathan Wai
Logicaus Strictimanus 24 (LS24), Roberto Lato
Logima Strictica 36 (LS36), Roberto Lato
LS60 (LS36 + LS24), Roberto Lato